Mobile Physiotherapy

Injury and Fall Recovery
Whether you’ve suffered a muscular sprain, skeletal fracture or traumatic injury our expert team can aid you in your recovery.
Our treatments aim to reduce the limitations of strength, flexibility and movement often experienced after a fall or injury.

Rehabilitation After Surgery (Including Joint Replacements)
Periods of inactivity following an operation can severely restrict mobility, circulation and general health.
We aim to aid you in your recovery with helpful advice, exercise programs and physical treatments to encourage proper mobility and repair.

Elderly Care and Exercise Maintenance
Our team are experts when it comes to elderly care. We specialise in improving quality of life through freedom of movement and functional independence.
Our goal is to help our patients move safely and happily. And this is why we provide at home treatment and community-based services specifically catered for the physical and environmental needs of each of our elderly patients.

Chronic Pain Management
Chronic pain tends to occur in instances where rehabilitative therapy has been neglected and can result in not only discomfort, but also limitations to movement.
The body’s ability to heal diminishes with age, so it is important that proper rehabilitative steps and protocol are taken. Our expert physiotherapists aim to help you manage your pain and discomfort, so that you can get back on track with your life.

Respiratory Function
Mobility exercises aid in improving posture, which is vital for proper breathing capacity and mechanics.
Physiotherapy may assist in the treatment of the following respiratory conditions:
Cystic fibrosis
Chronic bronchitis
Chronic obstructive airways disease

Cardio-pulmonary Rehabilitation
Conditions affecting proper heart and lung function can place enormous strain on day-to-day activities.
To aid in recovery, we provide plans tailored to those post-cardiac surgery or who suffer from other related chronic illnesses.
We aim to help our patients manage their condition and their physical independence in working towards the fulfilment of everyday tasks.

Hydrotherapy utilises the buoyancy of water to reduce discomfort during exercise, as joints and muscle tissues are generally free from pressures normally applied by gravity
Hydrotherapy may also reduce swelling, as a result of hydrostatic pressure, while the warm waters can relax the muscles and promote restful sleep – another key factor for recovery.

Neurological Conditions
Injuries or illnesses affecting proper brain function impose major restrictions on motor control: limiting the ability to perform what was once considered an everyday task. This can often lead to emotional stress and depression in some.
We understand how important it is for patients, who’ve suffered from stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal trauma, acquired brain injuries (ABI), or cognitive and neurological degeneration, receive quality therapeutic assistance.
We aim to minimise these negative effects and help our patients relearn, or form, new skills through the continual support provided by our caring therapists.

Preventative Care and Equipment Prescription
Often, a fall for the elderly can lead to a further decline in health, both physically and mentally. We provide at home one-on-one exercises and preventive programs with the goal of reducing the risks associated with a fall and other preventable injuries.
Our number one goal with all of our patients is the promotion of functional independence and freedom through mobility. Keeping muscle tissues strong and joints mobile is a beneficial step towards reducing the risk of injury after a fall.
Our physiotherapists will also assess and prescribe equipment for your household to alleviate the potential complications associated with deteriorated mobility.